by Linda Carruth
Linda Carruth
Digital Art - Photo Collage
Priorities is an abstract composition, utilizing photographic and illustration elements, that deals with avarice versus environmental stewardship. How far will we go in the wrong direction? There is a descending darkness that is climate change, coupled with disappearing habitat and clean water, trophy hunting, and an ever-increasing endangered species list, all in the name of wanton human greed. The smudges and filth of mankind will soon cover the earth. We should be ashamed of ourselves. There is still so much beauty in the world. Let's vow to leave some of it for our grandchildren and future generations to enjoy. And survive. Being able to survive would be good.
October 3rd, 2019
Comments (1)
Rainbow Artist Orlando L
What a powerful statement in this marvelous art creation Linda!! greed is overtaking the innocents, that is how i feel when i gaze into this beautiful work. it is indeed time for us to step up and protect our planet so that the future generations have a chance to enjoy!! L/F